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Published on May 3, 2006 By Sarkos In Bug Reports
I have a few minor problems and wanted to know what I should upload so that it might be fixed.

First, when I'm at war with a civilization, I can no longer see what ships and starbases they have on the diplomatic screen. After I make peace it doesn't come back either.

Also, after I conquer a planet and look in the details screen, there is flavor text in the top left window which displays repetitious text separated by asterisks.


After the evil Dominion of Korx conquered blah blah blah

The vile Dominion of Korx invaded blah blah blah

Conquered in 2227 blah blah blah

Anyway, I can't upload anything at the moment because I'm not at home. Just let me know what I need to do please when you have the time and any additional information you'd like.

Thanks for your time.
on May 03, 2006
The repeitious text problem after conquering a planet will be fixed in the next update.

It is by design that you cannot see starbases or ships that belong to a civ you are at war with.
You must send the peace treaty deal and they must accept it before it will list them again
on May 03, 2006
Thanks for the quick and informative reply. I appreciate it.